If you ride a motorcycle, it is likely that you look at it as being more than just a bike. In fact, whether you are a new or seasoned rider, you may see at is the ultimate escape once the temperature rises, and the winter season comes to an end.

However, after you take your bike out of the garage and review it to guarantee that is still in pristine condition, you should remind yourself that it is important to ride safely. Inevitably, even though the spring season usually provides for great riding conditions, the weather can be unpredictable.

If you are a new or seasoned rider, here are three safety tips to keep in mind when you finally hit the road:

1. Even though it’s warmer, patches of ice and snow could still be around

While the spring season certainly means warmer temperatures are on the way, there still could be patches of ice and snow on roads. Therefore, it is necessary that you keep your eyes peeled on the road for black ice and leftover snow. Lastly, being that the snow and ice are melting, you should also be on the lookout for any new potholes or cracks that may have formed due to the constant thawing and freezing of water trapped in the asphalt.

2. Keep the unpredictably of spring weather in mind at all times.

As we mentioned already, spring weather—although inviting—can be unpredictable, and you need to be aware of slick and wet roads. So, even if the sun is shining, keep in mind that it could have just rained. If you didn’t know, roads are usually the slickest after it rains for a shorter period because oil and dirt rise to the surface. And, because it rains for a shorter time, the oil and dirt do not have the chance to wash away.

3. Ride freely, but remember to be defensive when alongside other vehicles.

If you truly desire to have a safe ride, it is vital that you ride defensively. If you are riding alongside other vehicles, it is crucial that you keep your headlights on at all times, remain visible, use your horn to alert drivers of your presence if necessary, and follow traffic rules.

In the end, even though the urge might be strong to weave in and out of traffic to pass certain vehicles, you should still obey traffic laws.

As motorcycle lovers and drivers ourselves, we know how important it is to drive safely and carefully, and hope that our customers do so as well.

To learn more about us, and how our custom Harley-Davidson air intakes and other products can help to improve the performance of your motorcycle this spring, please browse our website, or give us a call.

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